Humberto E. González

Teléfono: +56(63)2221559
Doctor en Oceanografía. Universidad de Bremen, Alemania, 1992
Biólogo Marino. Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 1982
Profesor titular

Actividades docentes

Pregrado: Introducción a la Oceanografía, Oceanografía Biológica, Oceanografía Física, Seminarios de Investigación y Bibliográficos, Tesis de Titulación.

Postgrado: Oceanografía Costera, Seminarios de Investigación y Bibliográficos, Tesis.

Intereses de investigación

a) Flujos de carbono a través de tramas tróficas pelágicas.

b) Flujos de elementos y partículas a zonas profundas del océano.

c) Acoplamiento entre zonas pelágica y bentónica.

d) Ecología de microorganismos.

e) Análisis/modelación ecotrófica  a nivel de ecosistemas de la Patagonia.

El laboratorio de Oceanografía Biológica ha llevado a cabo investigación científica en la última década en sistemas de fiordos y canales de la Patagonia Chilena. El énfasis ha sido estudiar los flujos de carbono a través de tramas tróficas clásica y microbiana. Hemos realizado modelos conceptuales y de flujos tróficos para diversos sistemas Patagónicos. El laboratorio ha relizado extensos estudios sobre la taxonomía y ecología de diversos grupos del plancton como bacterioplancton, fitoplancton (diatomeas, cocolitofóridos), microzooplancton (tintínidos, dinoflagelados tecados y desnudos) y mesozooplancton (copépodos, krill)


Proyectos de investigación (últimos 10 años)

  • Seventh Framework Programmne. European Union Grant agreement N°603773. Ocean Food Web Patrol – Climate Effects: Reducing Targeted Uncertainties with an Interactive Network (OCEAN-CERTAIN). Co-Investigador. 2013-2015.
  • CONICYT-EXPLORA. Laboratorio Natural de Oceanografía Extrema: Fiordo Marinelli. Co-Investigador. 2013-2014.
  • NFR 216607 (Norwegian Research Program on Latin America). CINTERA: A Cross-disciplinary Integrated Eco-systemic Eutrophication Research and Management Approach. Gemini Center for Sustainable Fisheries. . Co-Investigardor. 2012-2013.
  • NFR 163661 (Norwegian Research Program on Latin America). WAFOW: Can Waste Emission from Fish Farms Change the Structure of Marine Food Webs? A comparative study of coastal ecosystems in Norway and Chile. Co-Investigardor. 2010-2012.
  • FONDECYT 1110614. Ecological role of the Fe-dissolved organic matter interactions: is Fe modulating phytoplankton species composition in Patagonian fjords?. Co-Investigador. 2011-2013.
  • CONA-17 F 11-03 (CIMAR 17). Caracterización de la materia orgánica (alóctona y autóctona) y su destino en la trama trófica pelágica y el flujo vertical en el Fiordo Reloncaví y Mar Interior de Chiloé. Co-Investigador. 2010-2011.
  • CONICYT 79100016. Programa Inserción de Capital Científico Avanzado en la Academia “Fortalecimiento de las capacidades científicas en las áreas de ciencias marinas y limnológicas de la Universidad Austral de Chile”. Investigador Responsable. 2010-2014.
  • CONA-C16F-09-10 (CIMAR 16). Estudio del flujo de carbono hacia la trama trófica pelágica y al sedimento (con énfasis en la especie clave Euphausia vellentini) entre las regiones de Magallanes y Cabo de Hornos. Investigador Responsable. 2010-2011.
  • INACH G-12-09. Impacto de depredación y rol en el flujo vertical de carbono de quetognatos y anfípodos en el océano austral. Investigador Principal. 2009-2011.
  • Programa de Financiamiento Basal de CONICYT PFB-31/2007. Aplicaciones de la Oceanografía para el Desarrollo Económico Sustentable de la Zona Sur-Austral de Chile (“Oceanographic applications for the sustainable economic development of the southern region of Chile”). Co-Investigador. 2008-2014.
  • INNOVA-CORFO 08CBA 2064. Estudios oceanográficos y modelo de análisis de riesgo para el manejo integrado y sustentable del fiordo Aysén (LAT. 45º 24´S, LONG. 72º 59´W), XI región. Co-Investigador. 2009-2011.
  • CONA-C14F 08-05 (CIMAR 14): Estudio del flujo de carbono hacia la trama trófica pelágica y acoplamiento pelágico bentónico en el estuario del río Baker y canal Messier, sur de Chile. Investigador Responsable. 2008-2009.
  • FIP 2007-21: Evaluación de la capacidad de carga del estuario Reloncaví, X región. Co-Investigador. 2008-2009.
  • FONDECYT 1080187. The role of silica on phytoplankton blooms in the Chilean fjord system: impact of past and future diminished freshwater streamflow scenario on marine productivity. Co.Investigador. 2008-2010.
  • CONA-C13F 07-02 (CIMAR 13): Flujo de carbono hacia la trama trófica pelágica y acoplamiento pelágico – bentónico en el fiordo Aysén, sur de Chile. Investigador Resposable. 2007-2008.
  • FONDAP 15010007 (Etapa II): Center for Ocean Research in the Eastern South Pacific (COPAS) II. Investigador Principal RP4 Pelagic Benthic Coupling. 2007-2011. (
  • FIP 2007-10: Monitoreo de las Condiciones Oceanográficas en las VIII y IX Regiones. Co-Investigador. 2007-2008.
  • FIP 2006-12: Monitoreo de las Condiciones Oceanográficas frente a Concepción. Co.Investigador. 2006-2007.
  • CONA-C12F 06-10 (CIMAR-12). Primary production and its fate in the pelagic food web of the Reloncaví Estuary, southern Chile. Investigador Resposable. 2005-2007.
  • FONDAP 15010007. Center for Ocean Research in the Eastern South Pacific (COPAS)” Research Program 4 (Pelagic-benthic coupling). Investigador Principal RP4 Pelagic Benthic Coupling. 2001-2006. (
  • FONDECYT 1000366. Decomposition of organic matter in the water column: The role of bacteria and zooplankton in modifying chemical structure and fluxes in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off Chile. Co-Investigador. 2000-2003.
  • FONDECYT 1000419. Trophic ecology of gelatinous zooplankton (filter-feeding and carnivorous) and their significance in the carbon flux in the northern Humboldt Current off Chile.” Investigador Responsable. 2000-2003.

Publicaciones (últimos 10 años)

  • Pavés H., H E González, L. Castro & J L Iriarte (2014). Carbon flows through the pelagic sub-foodweb in two basins of the Chilean Patagonian coastal ecosystem: The significance of coastal-ocean connection on ecosystem parameters. Estuaries and Coasts. Doi 10.1007/212237-014-9780-y (in press)
  • Iriarte JL, Ardelan M, Cuevas A, González HE, Sanchez N, S M Myklestad (2014) Size-spectrum based differential response of phytoplankton to nutrient and Iron-organic matter combinations in microcosm experiments in a Chilean Patagonian Fjord. Phycological Research (in press).
  • Martin P., M. R. van der Loeff, N. Cassar, P. Vandromme, F. d’Ovidio, L. Stemmann, R. Rengarajan, M. Soares, H. E. González, F. Ebersbach, R. S. Lampitt, R. Sanders, B. A. Barnett, V. Smetacek, S. W. A. Naqvi (2013). Iron fertilization enhanced net community production but not downward particle flux during the Southern Ocean iron fertilization experiment LOHAFEX. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 27, doi:10.1002/gbc.20077.
  • Pavés H., H. E. González & V. Chistensen (2013). Structure and functioning of two pelagic communities in the north Chilean Patagonia coastal systems. Hydrobiologia 717: 85-108.
  • Krautz M. C.,  L. R. Castro, M. González, A. Llanos-Rivera, I. Montes, H. E. González, R. R. González & J. C. Vera (2013). Concentration of ascorbic acid and antioxidant response in early life stages of Engraulis ringens and zooplankton during the spawning seasons of 2006–2009 off central Chile. Marine Biology, DOI 10.1007/s00227-013-2170-3.
  • Gajardo N., H. E. González & M. Marchant (2013). Characterization of El Niño, La Niña, and nomal conditions through planktonic foraminifera (2006-2007) in the southeastern Pacific. Ciencias Marinas 39(3): 253-264.
  • González H. E., L.R. Castro, G. Daneri, J.L. Iriarte, N. Silva, F. Tapia, E. Teca & C.A. Vargas (2013). Land-ocean gradient in haline stratification and its effects on plankton dynamics and trophic carbon fluxes in Chilean Patagonian fjords (47° – 50°S). Progress in Oceanography 119: 32-47.
  • Iriarte J.L., S. Pantoja, H.E. González, G. Silva, H. Pavés, P. Labbé, L. Robolledo, M.v Ardelan & V. Haussermann (2012) Assessing the micro-phytoplankton response to nitrate in Comau Fjord (42ºS) in Patagonia (Chile), using a microcosms approach. Environ Monit Assess DOI 10.1007/s10661-012-2925-1.
  • Alves de Souza C., D. Varela, J. L. Iriarte, H. E. González & L. Guillou (2012) Infection dynamic(s) of Aebophryidae parasitoids on harmful dinoflagellates in a southern Chilean fjord dominated by diatoms. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 66: 183-197.
  • Sánchez G.E., C. B. Lange, H. E. González, G. Vargas, P. Muñoz, C. Cisternas & S. Pantoja (2012). Siliceous microorganisms in the upwelling center off Concepción, Chile (36°S): Preservation in surface sediments and downcore fluctuation during the past ~150 years. Progress in Oceanography 92-95: 50-65.
  • Hernández K., B. Yannicelli, A. Montecinos, M. Ramos, H.E. González & G. Daneri (2012). Temporal variability of incident solar radiation and modulating factors in a coastal upwelling area (36°S). Progress in Oceanography 92-95: 18-32.
  • Daneri G., L. Lizárraga, P.  Montero, H.E. González & F.J. Tapia. (2012). Wind Forcing and short-term variability of phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the coastal zone of Concepción upwelling system (central Chile). Progress in Oceanography 92-95: 92-96.
  • Giesecke R., González H. E. (2012). Distribution and feeding of chaetognaths in the epipelagic zone of the Lazarev Sea (Antarctica) during austral summer. Polar Biology 35: 689-703.
  • Krautz  M. C.,  Castro L. R.,  González M., Vera J. C. & González H. E. (2012) Concentration of ascorbic acid and innate immune effectors  in Engraulis ringens and Strangomera bentincki during their main spawning period (2007–2008) in the Humboldt current system off Chile. Marine Biology 159: 303-317.
  • Torres R., S. Pantoja, N. Harada, H. E. González, G. Daneri, M. Frangopulos, J. A. Rutllant, C. M. Duarte, S. Ruiz-Halpern, E. Mayol & M. Fukasawa (2011). Air-sea fluxes along the coast of Chile: from CO2 outgassing in central-northern upwelling waters to CO2 uptake in southern Patagonia fjords. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans. 116, Doi:10.1029/2010JC006344.
  • Sánchez, N., González H.E., Iriarte, J.L. (2011). Trophic interactions of pelagic crustaceans in Comau Fjord (Chile): their role in food web structure. J. Plankton Res. 33(8): 1212-1229.
  • Montero P., G. Daneri, H. E. González, J. L. Iriarte, F. Tapia, L. Lizárraga, N. Sanchez, O. Pizarro (2011). Seasonal variability of primary production in a fjord ecosystem of the Chilean Patagonia: Implications for the transfer of carbon within pelagic food webs. – Cont. Shelf Res. 31: 202-215.
  • González H. E., L. Castro, G. Daneri, J. L. Iriarte, N. Silva, C. Vargas, R. Giesecke, N. Sánchez (2011). Seasonal plankton variability in Chilean Patagonia Fjords: carbon flow through the pelagic food web of the Aysen Fjord and plankton dynamics in the Moraleda Channel basin. – Cont. Shelf Res. 31: 225-243.
  • Rebolledo L., H. E. González, P. Muñoz, J. L. Iriarte, C. B. Lange, S. Pantoja & M. Salamanca (2011). Siliceous productivity changes in Gulf of Ancud sediments (42° S, 72° W), southern Chile, over the last ~150 years. Cont. Shelf Res. 31: 356-365.
  • Iriarte J. L., H. G. González & L. Nahuelhual (2011) Response to “Whales might also be an important component in Patagonian fjord ecosystems”. Ambio 40:106-107.
  • Czypionka T., C. Vargas, N. Silva, G. Daneri, H. E. González, & J. L. Iriarte. (2011). Importance of mixotrophic nanoplankton in the fjord region of southern Chile. Cont. Shelf Res. 31: 216-224.
  • Castro L, G. Claramunt, H. E. González, M. Krautz, A. Llanos-Rivera, J. Méndez, W. Schneider & S. Soto (2010). Fatty acids in anchoveta eggs, Engraulis ringens, during two contrasting winter spawning seasons.- Mar. Ecol Prog Ser. 420: 193-205.
  • González H.G., M. J. Calderón, L. Castro, A. Clement, L. Cuevas, G. Daneri, J. L. Iriarte, L. Lizárraga, R. Martínez, E. Menschel, N. Silva, C. Carrasco, C. Valenzuela, C. A. Vargas, C. Molinet (2010) Primary production and its fate in the pelagic food web of the Reloncaví Fjord and plankton dynamics of the Interior Sea of Chiloé, Northern Patagonia, Chile.- Mar. Ecol Prog Ser. 402: 13-30.
  • Giesecke R., H. E. González & U. Bathmann (2010) The role of the chaetognath Sagitta gazellae in the vertical carbon flux of the Southern Ocean. Polar Biol. 33: 293-304.
  • Iriarte J. L., H. G. González & L. Nahuelhual (2009) Patagonian fjord ecosystems in southern Chile as a highly vulnerable region: Problems and needs. Ambio 39:463-466.
  • González H.G., G. Daneri, J. L. Iriarte, B. Yannicelli, E. Menschel, C. Barría, S. Pantoja, L. Lizárraga (2009) Carbon fluxes within the epipelagic zone of the Humboldt Current System off Chile: The significance of euphausiids and diatoms as key functional groups for the biological pump. Prog Oceanog 83:217-227.
  • Gili J.-M., J. L. Acuña & H. E. González (2009) Obituary: Francesc Pagès (1962-2007). Hydrobiologia 616: 7-10.
  • Sánchez G., S. Pantoja, C. B. Lange, H. E. González & G. Daneri (2008) Seasonal changes in particulate biogenic and lithogenic silica in the upwelling system off Concepción (~36ºS), Chile, and their relationship to fluctuations in marine productivity and continental input. Continental Shelf Research 28: 2594-2600.
  • Vargas C., R. Martínez, H. E. González & N. Silva (2008) Contrasting trophic interactions of microbial and copepod communities in a fjord ecosystem (Chilean Patagonia). Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 53: 227-242.
  • Giesecke R. & H. E. González (2008) Reproduction and feeding of Sagitta enflata in the Humboldt Current system off Chile. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 65: 359-368.
  • Iriarte J.L. & H. E. González (2008) Phytoplankton bloom ecology of the Inner Sea of Chiloé, Southern Chile. Nova Hedwigia 133: 67-79.
  • Paves H., H. E. González. (2008) Carbon fluxes within the pelagic food web in the coastal area off Antofagasta (23ºS), Chile: the significance of the microbial versus classical food webs. Ecol. Model. 212: 218-232.
  • Escribano R., P. Hidalgo, H. E. González, A. Araneda, R. Giesecke, R. Riquelme & K. Manriquez (2007) Interanual and seasonal variation of metazooplankton in the coastal upwelling zone off central/south Chile. Prog. Oceanog. 75: 470-485.
  • Montero P., G. Daneri, L. Cuevas, H. E. González, B. Jacob, L. Lizárraga & E. Menschel. (2007). Productivity cycles in the coastal upwelling area off Concepción: the importance of diatoms and bacterioplankton in the organic carbon flux. Prog. Oceanog. 75: 518-530.
  • Morales C., H. E. González, S. Hormazabal, G. Yuras, J. Letelier & L. Castro. (2007) The distribution of chlorophyll-a and dominant planktonic components in the coastal transition zone off Concepción, central Chile, during different oceanographic conditions. Prog. Oceanog. 75: 452-469.
  • Iriarte J.L., H. E. González, K. K. Liu, C. Rivas & C. Valenzuela (2007) Spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll and primary production in surface waters of southern Chile (41,5-43ºS). Est. Coastal Shelf Sci. 74: 471-480.
  • Vargas C, Cuevas, L., González H. E. & G. Daneri (2007). Bacterial growth response to copepod grazing in aquatic ecosystems. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K. 87: 667-674.
  • González H. E., E. Menschel, C. Aparicio & C. Barria. (2007) Spatial and temporal variability of the microplankton and detritus and their export to the shelf-sediments, in the upwelling area off Concepción, Chile (36ºS), during 2002-2005. Prog. Oceanogr. 75: 435-451.
  • Vargas C., Martínez R., Cuevas L., Pavez M., Cartes C., González H. E., Escribano R., & Daneri G. (2007) Interplay between microbial and classical food webs in a highly productive coastal upwelling area. Limnol. Oceanogr. 52: 1495-1510.
  • Thiel M, Macaya E, Acuña E, Arntz W, Bastias H., Brokordt K, Camus P, Castilla J, Castro L, Cortés M, Dumont C, Escribano R, Fernández M, Gajardo J, Gaymer C, Gomez I, González A, González H. E, and 20 others. (2007). The Humboldt current system of northern-central Chile: oceanographic processes, ecological interactions and socio-economic feedback. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Annu. Rev. 45: 195-344.
  • Pavez M., L. R. Castro & H. E. González (2006). Across-shelf predatory effect of Pleurobrachia sp. (Ctenophora) on the small-copepods community in the coastal upwelling zone off northern Chile (23ºS): Springs 2000 – 2001. J. Plankton Res. 28(2): 115-129.
  • Rodríguez-Graña L., L. Castro, M. Loureiro, H. E. González & D. Calliari (2005) Feeding ecology of dominant larval myctophids in an upwelling area of the Humboldt Current. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 290: 119-134.
  • Marchant M., D. Hebbeln, S. Giglio, C. Coloma & H. E. González (2004) Seasonal and interanual variations in the flux patterns of planktic foraminifera in the southern Peru-Chile Current. Deep-Sea Res. II  51: 2441-2455.
  • González H. E., D. Hebbeln, J. L. Iriarte & M. Marchant (2004) Downward fluxes of faecal material and microplankton at 2300 m depth in the oceanic area off Coquimbo (30ºS), Chile, during 1993 – 1995. Deep-Sea Res. II 51: 2457-2474.
  • Escribano R., G. Daneri, L. Farías, V. Gallardo, H. E. González, D. Gutierrez, C. Lange, C. Morales, O. Pizarro & O. Ulloa (2004). Biological and chemical consequences of the 1997-98 El Niño in the Chilean coastal upwelling system: A Synthesis. Deep-Sea Res. II  51: 2389-2411.
  • Giesecke R. & H. E. González (2004). Mandible characteristics and allometric relations in copepods: A reliable method to estimate prey size and composition from mandible occurrence in predator guts. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 77: 607-616.
  • González H. E., R. Giesecke, C. A. Vargas, M. Pavez, J. Iriarte, P. Santibáñez, L. Castro, R. Escribano & F. Pagès. (2004). Carbon cycling through the pelagic food web in the northern Humboldt Current off Chile (23ºS). ICES J. Mar. Sci. 61: 572-584.
  • Giesecke R. & H. E. González (2004). Feeding habits of Sagitta enflata and vertical distribution of chaetognaths in relation to low oxygen concentrations. J. Plankton Res. 26(4): 475-486.
  • Vargas, C. A. & H. E. González (2004). Plankton community structure and carbon cycling in a coastal upwelling system. II. Microheterotrophic pathway. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 34: 165-180.
  • Vargas, C. A. & H. E. González (2004). Plankton community structure and carbon cycling in a coastal upwelling system. I. Diet of copepods and appendicularians. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 34: 151-164.
  • Iriarte J. L. & H. E. González (2004) Phytoplankton size structure during and after the El Niño of 1997 – 1998 in a coastal upwelling area of the northern Humboldt Current System. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 269: 83-90.
  • Pantoja S., J. Sepúlveda & H. E. González (2004). Decomposition of sinking proteinaceous material during fall in the oxygen minimum zone off northern Chile. Deep-Sea Res. I, 51: 55-70.

Participación en el programa EXPLORA. Laboratorios abiertos en Calfuco.

Equipo de trabajo

  • Biol. Mar. Elisabeth Teca. Asistente Investigación

Tesistas Pregrado

  • Est. Biol. Mar. Francisca Muñoz
  • Est. Biol Mar. Cesar Barrales
  • Est. Biol. Mar. Nicolás Becerra
  • Est. Biol. Mar. Valeska Vásquez


  • Biol Mar. Eduardo Menschel


  • Dra. Claudia Aracena
  • Dr. Héctor Paves
  • Dr. Marius Schaefer