Mauricio Cubillos

Teléfono: +56(63)444322


PhD University of Otago, Dunedin, Nueva Zelandia 2013.

Biólogo Marino, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile, 2004.

Profesor Auxiliar

Pregrado: Taller de computación (ICML005), Principios de zoología (ICML 010), Biología de organismos y comunidades (ICML022), Fundamentos de Biología (ICML 035), Zoología (ICML 109), Biología del desarrollo en organismos marinos (ICML147), Zoología y Ecología Aplicada, Seminarios de Investigación y Bibliográficos 

Postgrado: Ecofisiología Marina (ICML 423)

Intereses de investigación:

a) Reproducción y desarrollo de invertebrados.

b) Biología intermareal.

c) Estresores ambientales.

d) Estrés oxidativo y metabolismo antioxidante.

e) Compuestos fotoprotectores.

Principalmente, nuestras investigaciones se han orientado a entender como fluctuaciones en las condiciones ambientales circundantes (UV-B, temperatura, niveles de oxigeno disuelto y salinidad) productos de los cambios de marea en un estuario pueden impactar la fisiología y aspectos reproductivos de organismos que en estos ambientes habitan. Así, respuestas celulares a través de la estimacion de daño oxidativo han sido contrastados con estrategias de defensa (e.g metabolismo antioxidante, compuestos fotoprotectores, etc…) para entender las estartegias que le permiten a este tipo de organismos consolidarse como especies dominantes de ambientes estresantes.


Proyectos de investigación (últimos 10 años):

  • FONDECYT-Regular 1190875 /2019 (2019-2023). Cellular, physiological and behavioral responses in estuarine anemone Anthopleura hermaphroditica: complementary strategies to address hypo-saline periods. (Responsible Researcher).
  • FONDECYT-Regular 1180643 / 2018 (2018-2021).Mothers, egg capsules, and embryos: an integrated approach to understanding the ability of encapsulated embryos to develop under intertidal conditions, and the consequences of such development for juveniles. (Co-Researcher).
  • FONDECYT Iniciación 11150585. / 2015 (2015-2018). Cellular and behavioral strategies of the intertidal sea anemone Anthopleura hermaphroditica to reduce UV-R and PAR damage. (Responsible Researcher).
  • DID 2015 S-039 (2015-2017). “Estrategias de la anémona simbionte Anthopleura hermaphroditica para enfrentar las variaciones ambientales en un estuario del sur de Chile”. (Responsible Researcher).
  • Chaparro OR, Mardones‑Toledo DA, Gray MW, Cubillos VM, Navarro JM, Salas‑Yanquin LP. 2019. Female–embryo relationships in Ostrea chilensis: brooding, embryo recognition, and larval hatching. Marine Biology 166:10 

  • Chaparro OR, Salas‑Yanquin LP, Matos AS, Bűchner‑Miranda JA, Gray MW, Cubillos VM, Pechenik JA. 2018. Pre‑hatching development in the intertidal zone negatively affects juvenile survival and physiology in the muricid gastropod Acanthina monodon. Marine Biology 165: 155

  • Cubillos, VM, Ramírez, EF, Cruces, EA, Montory, JA, Segura, CJ, & Mardones, DA. 2018. Temporal changes in environmental conditions of a mid-latitude estuary (southern Chile) and its influences in the cellular response of the euryhaline anemone Anthopleura hermaphroditica. Ecological Indicators. (88) 168-180.

  • Chaparro, OR, Montory, JA, Segura, CJ, Cubillos, VM, Salas-Yanquin, LP, Thompson, RJ 2018. The influence of season and the tidal cycle on division of labour by the radula during feeding in the estuarine brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae). Helgoland Marine Research, 72 (1), (Co-autor).

  • Montory, J., Cumillaf, J., Cubillos, V., Paschke, K., Urbina, M., & Gebauer, P. 2018. Early development of the ectoparasite Caligus rogercresseyi under combined salinity and temperature gradients. Aquaculture, 486, 68-74. (Co- autor).

  • Bashevkin, S., Chaparro, O., Mardones-Toledo, D., Cubillos, V., & Pechenik, J. 2017. Growing Safe: Acute Size Escape from Desiccation in Juvenile Crepipatella peruviana (Mollusca: Gastropoda). The Biological Bulletin, 233(0), 000-000. (Co- autor)

  • Cruces, E., Rautenberger, R., Rojas-Lillo, Y., Cubillos, V., Arancibia-Miranda, N., Ramírez-Kushel, E. & Gómez, I., (2016). Physiological acclimation of Lessonia spicata to diurnal changing PAR and UV radiation: differential regulation among down-regulation of photochemistry, ROS scavenging activity and phlorotannins as major photoprotective mechanisms. Photosynthesis Research 1-13.

  • Cubillos, V., Chaparro, O., Segura, C., Montory, J., Cruces, E. & Burritt, D., (2016). Isolation-hypoxia and re-oxygenation of the pallial cavity of female Crepipatella dilatata during estuarine salinity changes requires increased glyoxylase activity and antioxidant metabolism to avoid oxidative damage to female tissues and developing embryos. Mar Environ Res, 119: 59-71.

  • Montory, J.A., Chaparro, O.R., Navarro, J.M., Pechenik, J.A. & Cubillos, V.M., (2016). Post-metamorphic impact of brief hyposaline stress on recently hatched veligers of the gastropod Crepipatella peruviana (Calyptraeidae). Mar Biol, 163(1).

  • Paredes-Molina, F.J., Cubillos, V.M., Montory, J.A. & Andrade-Villagran, P.A., (2016). Are embryonic developing modes determinant in the acquisition and levels of photoprotective compounds in slipper limpets of the Crepipatella genus? J Photoch Photobio B, 162: 511-518.

  • Segura, C.J., Pechenik, J.A., Montory, J.A., Navarro, J.M., Paschke, K.A., Cubillos, V.M. & Chaparro, O.R., (2016). The cost of brooding in an estuary: implications of declining salinity for gastropod females and their brooded embryos. Mar Ecol Prog Ser, 543: 187-199.

  • Cubillos, V.M., Burritt, D.J., Lamare, M.D. & Peake, B.M., (2015). The relationship between UV-irradiance, photoprotective compounds and DNA damage in two intertidal invertebrates with contrasting mobility characteristics. J Photoch Photobio B, 149: 280-288.

  • Pechenik, J.A., Diederich, C.M., Chaparro, O.R., Cubillos, V.M. & Mardones-Toledo, D.A., (2015). Role of the Substrate in Feeding and Growth of the Marine Suspension-Feeding Gastropods Crepidula fornicata and Crepipatella peruviana. Biol Bull-Us, 229(3): 289-298.

  • Segura, C.J., Montory, J.A., Cubillos, V.M., Diederich, C.M., Pechenik, J.A. & Chaparro, O.R., (2015). Brooding strategy in fluctuating salinity environments: oxygen availability in the pallial cavity and metabolic stress in females and offspring in the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis. J Comp Physiol B, 185(6): 659-668.

  • V. Cubillos, M. Lamare, B. Peake, D. Burritt, Cellular changes associated with the acclimation of the intertidal sea anemone Actinia tenebrosa to ultraviolet radiation, Photochem Photobiol, 90 (2014) 1314-1323.

  • O.R. Chaparro, C.J. Segura, S.J.A. Osores, J.A. Pechenik, L.M. Pardo, V.M. Cubillos, Consequences of maternal isolation from salinity stress for brooded embryos and future juveniles in the estuarine direct-developing gastropod Crepipatella dilatata, Mar Biol, 161 (2014) 619-629.

  • A. Studer, V. Cubillos, M. Lamare, R. Poulin, D. Burritt, Effects of ultraviolet radiation on an intertidal trematode parasite: an assessment of damage and protection, International Journal of Parasitology, (2012).

  • O.R. Chaparro, A.J. Schmidt, L.M. Pardo, P.V. Andrade, C.E. Wagner, V.M. Cubillos, Reproductive strategy of the semelparous clam Gaimardia bahamondei (Bivalvia, Gaimardiidae), Invertebrate Biology, 130 (2011) 49-59.

  • O.R. Chaparro, J.A. Montory, J.A. Pechenik, V.M. Cubillos, J.M. Navarro, S.J. Osores, Ammonia accumulation in the brood chamber of the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata: How big a problem for mothers and brooded embryos?, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 410 (2011) 29-38.

  • J. Montory, O. Chaparro, V. Cubillos, J. Pechenik, Isolation of incubation chambers during brooding: effect of reduced pH on protoconch development in the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae), Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374 (2009) 157-166.

  • O.R. Chaparro, P.R. Matus, R.J. Thompson, C.J. Segura, L.M. Pardo, V.M. Cubillos, Gametic, morphometric, and physiological variables influencing clutch size in the Chilean oyster, Ostrea chilensis (Philippi, 1845), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 359 (2008) 18-25.

  • O.R. Chaparro, V.M. Cubillos, Y.A. Montiel, K.A. Paschke, J.A. Pechenik, Embryonic encapsulation and maternal incubation: Requirements for survival of the early stages of the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 365 (2008) 38-45.

  • O. Chaparro, Y. Montiel, C. Segura, V. Cubillos, R. Thompson, J. Navarro, The effect of salinity on clearance rate in the suspension-feeding estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata under natural and controlled conditions, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76 (2008) 861-868.

  • V.M. Cubillos, O.R. Chaparro, Y.A. Montiel, D. Véliz, Unusual source of food: impact of dead siblings on encapsulated embryo development of Crepipatella fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae), Marine and Freshwater Research, 58 (2007) 1152-1162.

  • O.R. Chaparro, Y.A. Montiel, V.M. Cubillos, Direct intracapsular development: implications for feeding mechanisms in early juveniles of the gastropod Crepidula dilatata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 85: 163-169. 

  • Animalia: una exposición itinerante de la biodiversidad. – Proyecto Dirección de Extensión Universidad Austral de Chile. (2015)
  • Participación en el programa EXPLORA. Laboratorios abiertos en Calfuco
  • Felipe Ramírez Kuschel – Biólogo Marino (Asistente Investigación)
  • Daniela Mardones Toledo – Bióloga Marina (Asistente Investigación)
  • Javier Aravena – (Tesista Pregrado / Estudiante Biología Marina)
  • Paula Martis – (Tesista Pregrado / Estudiante Biología Marina)