Oscar Chaparro

Teléfono: +56(63)2221791

E-mail: ochaparr@uach.cl

PhD Memorial University of NF, St.John´s, Canada 1996.

Biólogo Marino, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 1982.

Profesor titular

Actividades docentes

Pregrado: Ecofisiología Animal Marina, Acuicultura Animales Marinos, Seminarios de Investigación y Bibliográficos, Tesis de Titulación.

Postgrado: Ecofisiología Animal, Ontogenia del Desarrollo, Seminarios de Investigación y Bibliográficos, Tesis.

Intereses de investigación

a) Ecofisiología de la reproducción.

b) Biología estuarina.

c) Embriones incubados

d) Morfo-funcionalidad en especies incubadoras.

e) Bioenergética del cuidado parental.


Nuestras investigaciones  utilizan como modelo de estudio, especies de moluscos cuya reproducción incluye procesos incubatorios y de encapsulamineto, como sucede en los gastrópodos Crepipatella dilatata, Crepipatella fecunda, Acanthina monodon y en los bivalvos Ostrea chilensis y Gaimardia bahamondei.


Algunos de nuestros estudios han cuantificado las respuestas fisiológicas de ejemplares incubantes y no incubantes, para identificar los costos energéticos que conlleva el  cuidado parental. En especies encapsuladoras, hemos estudiado la distribución de la energía invertida en reproducción, tanto en la formación de estructuras capsulares, embriones y huevos nutricios. En esa dirección se orientan los estudios en que se relaciona la madre y los embriones incubados, para identificar las estrategias fisio-conductuales que permitan entender la incubación como mecanismo de desarrollo embrionario. Estudios de endoscopía han permitido identificar aspectos conductuales de madres y embriones incubados.


Últimamente, hemos estado investigando la relación de los periodos estresantes sufridos por estadios tempranos, debido a factores ambientales, y los efectos latentes que ellos pueden generar, y que se expresan en etapas más avanzadas del desarrollo.


Proyectos de investigación (últimos 10 años)


  • ANID-Chile REDES 190027. Research net for reproductive and ecophysiological studies in marine invertebrates. Investigador Responsible. (2019-2021).
  • FONDECYT 1190875. Cellular, physiological, and behavoiral responses in estuarine anemone Anthopleura hermapphroditica complementary strtategies to address hyposaline periods. Co-Investigador. (2019-2023).
  • FONDECYT 1180643. Mothers, egg capsules, and embryos: an integrated approach to understanding the ability of encapsulated embryos to develop under intertidal conditions, and the consequences of such development for juveniles. Investigador Responsable. (2018-2022).
  • FONDECYT 1161420. Multistressor impacts of ocean warming and acidification on the Chilean oyster (Ostrea chilensis): quantifying the physiology, reproduction and calcification. Co-Investigador. (2016-2020).
  • FONDECYT 1150388. Ejaculate depletion and sperm limitation in decapods: causes and consequences for species under fishery explotation. Co-Investigador. (2015-2019).
  • FONDECYT 1141052. Hatching process in brooding molluscs: more complex than thougth before. Investigador Responsable. (2014-2018).
  • FONDECYT 1120470. PSP toxins effects on the physiology and reproduction of two species of molluscs with different feeding habits and reproductive modes: The filter feeder Ostrea chilensis (incubator) and the carnivore Chorus giganteus (Laying egg capsules). Co-Investigador. (2012-2015).
  • FONDECYT 1110445. Does the size and sex-biased fishery can trigger a cascade of negative effects on reproduction of crabs? Co-Investigador (2011-2015).
  • FONDECYT 1100335. Delayed impact of isolation during brooding on hatching and early juvenile fitness in Crepipaella dilatata: monitoring latent effects in a direct developing estuarine gastropod. Investigador principal. (2010-2014).
  • FONDECYT 1080127. Variación intra e inter-especifica de la fisiología energética y digestiva en bivalvos marinos con diferente historial de exposición al dinoflagelado tóxico Alexandrium catenella. Co-investigador. (2008-2012).
  • FONDECYT 1060194. Cavidad incubatoria en los moluscos estuarinos Crepidula dilatata y Ostrea chilensis: Cambio de un ambiente protector a peligroso? Investigador Principal. (2006-2010).
  • FONDECYT 1030340. Respuesta fisiológica/enérgica de los bivalvos Mulinia adulis y Mytilus chilensis y del gastropodo carnivoro Xanthochorus cassidiformis frente a la presencia del dinoflagelado toxico Alexandrium catenella Co-investigador. (2003-2006).
  • FONDECYT 1020171. Fisiología energético-reproductiva de Crepidula dilatata y su relación con los ciclos mareales de un estuario Investigador Principal. (2002-2005).
  • FONDECYT 7020171. Proyecto de Cooperación Internacional (Canadá, USA-Panamá y Chile). Investigador Principal. (2002-2005).
  • DID- UACh. Alimentación en Crepidula fecunda: estrategias anátomo-conductuales frente a variaciones en la oferta alimentaria Investigador Principal. (2001-2003).
  • FONDECYT 1000427. Fisiología de la alimentación y endoscopía de los mecanismos de selección de partículas en los bivalvos Mytilus chilensis y Mulinia sp. Co-investigador. (2000-2003).
  • FONDECYT 1980984. Ecofisiología reproductiva en Crepidula fecunda. Investigador Principal. (1998-2001).
  • DID- UACh. Estructura velar en larvas de Crepidula dilatata y C. fecunda: Adaptaciones a la vida incubada? Investigador Principal. (1996-1998).
  • Proyecto Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Mollusc aquaculture enhancement in Chile Senior researcher. (1996-2000).

Publicaciones (últimos 10 años), ID Research;


  • Montory JA, Chaparro OR, Averbuj A, Salas-Yanquin LP, Buchner-Miranda JA, Gebauer P, Cumillaf JP, Cruces E. 2020. The filter-feeding bivalve Mytilus chilensis capture pelagic stages of Caligus rogercresseyi: A potential controller of the sea lice fish parasites. J. Fish Diseas. 43: 475-484.
  • Navarro JM, Rocha NF, Torres R, Chaparro OR, Benítez S, Andrade P, Alarcón E, Villanueva PA. 2020. Plastic response of the oyster Ostrea chilensis to temperature and pCO2 within the present natural range of variability. Plos One. 15(6): e0234994.
  • Chaparro OR, Mardones‑Toledo DA, Gray MW, Cubillos VM, Navarro JM, Salas‑Yanquin LP. 2019. Female–embryo relationships in Ostrea chilensis: brooding, embryo recognition, and larval hatching. Mar. Biol. 166: 10.
  • Mellado C, Chaparro OR, Duarte C, Villanueva PA, Ortiz A, Valdivia N, Torres R, Navarro JM. 2019. Ocean acidification exacerbates the effects of paralytic shellfish toxins on the fitness of the edible mussel Mytilus chilensis. Sci. Tot. Environm. 653: 455–464.
  • Gray MW, Chaparro O, Huebert KB, O'Neill SP, Couture T, Moreira A, Brady DC. 2019. Life history traits conferring larval resistance against ocean acidification: the case of brooding oysters of the genus Ostrea. J. Shellf. Res. 38: 751-761.
  • Andrade-Villagran PV, Navarro JM, Aliste S, Chaparro OR, Ortiz A. 2019. Trophic transfer of paralytic shellfish toxin (PST): Physiological and reproductive effects in the carnivorous gastropod Acanthina monodon (Pallas, 1774). Aquat. Toxicol. 212: 37-46.
  • Pechenik JA, Chaparro OR, Franklin A, Mardones ML, Montory JA. 2019. Thermal tolerance of intertidal and subtidal adults and embryos of the marine gastropod Crepipatella peruviana. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 616: 67-81.
  • Chaparro OR, Cubillos VM, Montory JA, Navarro JM, Andrade-Villagran PV. 2019. Reproductive biology of the encapsulating, brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata Lamarck (Gastropoda, Calyptraeidae). PLOS ONE 14: 7e0220051
  • Chaparro OR, Montory JA, Segura CJ, Cubillos VM, Salas‑Yanquin LP, Thompson RJ. 2018. The influence of season and the tidal cycle on division of labour by the radula during feeding in the estuarine brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae). Helgoland Mar. Res. 72: 3
  • Andrade-Villagrán PV, Baria KS, Montory JA, Pechenik JA, Chaparro OR. 2018. The influence of encapsulated embryos on the timing of hatching in the brooding gastropod Crepipatella dilatata. J Sea Res. 131: 69-78.
  • Salas- Yanquin LP, Navarro JM, Pechenik JA, Montory JA, Chaparro OR. 2018. Volcanic ash in the water column: Physiological impact on the suspension feeding bivalve Mytilus chilensis. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 127: 342-351.
  • Pardo LM, Riveros MP, Chaparro OR, Pretterebner K. 2018. Ejaculate allocation in Brachyura: What do males of Metacarcinus edwardsii respond to? Aquat. Biol. 27: 25–33.
  • Navarro JM, Widdows J, Chaparro OR, et ál. 2018. Pre-ingestive selection capacity and endoscopic analysis in the sympatric bivalves Mulinia edulis and Mytilus chilensis exposed to diets containing toxic and non-toxic dinoflagellates. PLOS ONE 13: e0193370
  • Andrade-Villagrán PV, Mardones-Toledo DA, Paredes-Molina FJ, Salas-Yanquin LP, Pechenik JA, Matthews-Cascon H, Chaparro OR. 2018. Possible mechanisms of hatching from egg capsules in the gastropods Crepipatella dilatata and Crepipatella peruviana, species with different modes of early development. Biol. Bull. 234: 69–84.
  • Matos AS, Chaparro OR, Matthews-Cascon H. 2018. Spawning and intracapsular development of the intertidal zebra snail Echinolittorina lineolata (D'Orbigny, 1840) (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Littorinidae). J. Shellf. Res. 37: 1073–1077.
  • Büchner-Miranda JA, Thompson RJ, Pardo LM, Matthews-Cascon H, Salas-Yanquin LP, Andrade-Villagrán PV, Chaparro OR. 2018. Enveloping walls, encapsulated embryos and intracapsular fluid: changes during the early development stages in the gastropod Acanthina monodon (Muricidae). J. Moll. Stud.: 1–11.
  • Chaparro OR, Salas‑Yanquin LP, Matos AS, Bűchner‑Miranda JA, Gray MW, Cubillos VM, Pechenik JA. 2018. Pre‑hatching development in the intertidal zone negatively affects juvenile survival and physiology in the muricid gastropod Acanthina monodon. Mar. Biol. 165: 155.
  • Bashevkin SM, Chaparro OR, Mardones-Toledo DA, Cubillos VM, Pechenik JA. 2017. Growing safe: Acute size escape from desiccation in juvenile Crepipatella peruviana (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Biol. Bull. 233: 123–134.
  • Pechenik JA, Diederich CM, Chaparro OR, Montory JA, Paredes FJ, Franklin AM. 2017. Differences in resource allocation to reproduction across the intertidal-subtidal gradient for two suspension-feeding marine gastropods: Crepidula fornicata and Crepipatella peruviana. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 572: 165–178.
  • Pechenik JA, Chaparro OR, Pilnick A, Karp M, Acquafredda M, Burns R. 2016. Effects of embryonic exposure to salinity stress or hypoxia on post-metamorphic growth and survival of the polychaete Capitella teleta. Biol. Bull. 231: 103-112.
  • Andrade-Villagrán PV, Chaparro OR, Pardo LM, Paredes-Molina FJ, Thompson RJ. 2016. Embryo brooding and its effect on feeding in the bivalve Gaimardia bahamondei Osorio & Arnuad, 1984. Helgold Mar Res. 70:4
  • Segura CJ, Pechenik JA, Montory JA, Navarro JM, Paschke KA, Cubillos VM, Chaparro OR. 2016.The cost of brooding in an estuary: implications of declinning salinity for gastropod females and their brooded embryos. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 543: 187-199.
  • Navarro JM, Labraña W, Chaparro OR, Cisternas B, Ortíz A. 2016. Physiological constraints in juvenile Ostrea chilensis fed the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Estuaries & Coasts 39:1133-1141.
  • Cubillos V, Chaparro O, Segura C, Montory J, Cruces E, Burrit D. 2016. Isolation-hypoxia and re-oxygenation of the pallial cavity of female Crepipatella dilatata during salinity changes requires increased glyoxylase activity and antioxidant metabolism to avoid oxidative damage to female tissues and developing embryos. Mar Environ Res. 119: 59-71.
  • Montory JA, Chaparro OR, Navarro JM, Pechink JA, Cubillos VM. 2016. Post-metamorphic impact of brief hyposaline stress on recently hatched veligers of the gastropod Crepipatella peruviana(Calyptraeidae). Mar Biol. 163:7
  • Pechenik JA, Diederich CS, Chaparro OR, Cubillos, VM, Mardones-Toledo DA. 2015. Role of the substrate inb feeding and growth of the marine suspension-feeding gastropods Crepidula fornicate and Crepipatella peruviana. Biol. Bull. 229: 289-298
  • Diederich, C.M., Chaparro, O.R., Mardones‑Toledo, D.A., Garrido, G.P., Montory, J.A., Pechenik, J.A. 2015. Differences in feeding adaptations in intertidal and subtidal  suspension‑feeding gastropods: studies on Crepidula fornicata and Crepipatella peruviana Mar Biol 162:1047–1059
  • Pardo, L.M., Rosas, Y., Fuentes, J.P., Riveros, M.P., Chaparro, O.R. 2015. Fishery induces sperm depletion and reduction in male reproductive potential for crab species under male-biased harvest strategy. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0115525. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115525
  • Diederich, C.M., Bashevkin, S.M., Chaparro, O.R., Pechenik, J.A. 2015. Desiccation tolerance and lifting behavior in Crepidula fornicata (Gastropoda) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 528: 235–243.
  • Mardones-Toledo, D.A., Montory, J.A., Joyce, A., Thompson, R.J., Diederich, C.M., Pechenik, J.A., et al. 2015. Brooding in the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis: Unexpected complexity in the movements of brooded offspring within the mantle cavity. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0122859. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0122859
  • Segura, C.J., Montory, J.A., Cubillos, V.M., Diederich, C.M., Pechenik, J.A., Chaparro, O.R. 2015. Brooding strategy in fluctuating salinity environments: oxygen availability in the pallial cavity and metabolic stress in females and offspring in the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis J Comp Physiol B DOI 10.1007/s00360-015-0908-6
  • Montory, J.A., Pechenik, J.A., Diederich, C.M., Chaparro, O.R. 2014. Effects of low salinity on adult behavior and larval performance in the intertidal gastropod Crepipatella peruviana (Calyptraeidae). PLoS ONE 9(7): e103820. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103820
  • Navarro, J.M., Gonzalez, K., Cisternas, B., Lopez, J.A., Chaparro, O.R., et al. 2014. Contrasting physiological responses of two populations of the razor clam Tagelus dombeii with different histories of exposure to paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). PLoS ONE 9(8): e105794. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105794
  • Montory, J.A., Chaparro, O.R., Pechenik, J.A., Diederich, C.M., Cubillos, V.M. 2014. Impact of short-term salinity stress on larval development of the marine gastropod Crepipatella fecunda (Calyptraeidae) Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 458: 39–45
  • Segura, C.J., Chaparro, O.R., Pechenik, J.A., Paschke, K.A., Osores, S.J.A., Navarro, J.M., Cubillos, V.M. 2014. Delayed effects of severe hypoxia experienced by marine gastropod embryos. Mar Ecol Prog Ser Vol. 510: 59–71, 2014 doi: 10.3354/meps10906
  • Chaparro, O.R., Segura, C.J. Osores, S.J.A., Pechenik, J.A., Pardo, L.M., Cubillos, V.M. 2014. Consequences of maternal isolation from salinity stress for brooded embryos and future juveniles in the estuarine direct-developing gastropod Crepipatella dilatata. Marine Biology 161: 619-629.
  • Chaparro, O.R., Montory, J.A., Pereda, S.V., Thompson, R.J., Rivera, G., Osores, S.J.A. & Segura, C.J. 2013. Particle selection and regulation of particle uptake by the slipper limpet Crepipatella fecunda. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 474: 167-177.
  • Mardones, M.L., Chaparro, O.R., Pechenik, J.A., Segura, C.J. & Osores, S.J.A. 2013. Embryonic brooding in Crepipatella fecunda: Implications for processes related to maternal feeding. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 443: 141-146.
  • Chaparro, O.R., Lincoqueo, L.A., Schmidt, A.J., Veliz, D. & Pechenik, J.A. 2012. Comparing biochemical changes and energetic costs in gastropods with different developmental modes: Crepipatella dilatata and C. fecunda. Marine Biology. 159(1): 45-56.
  • Garrido, M.V., Chaparro, O.R., Thompson, R.J., Garrido, O. & Navarro, J.M. 2012. Particle sorting and formation and elimination of pseudofaeces in the bivalves Mulinia edulis (siphonate) and Mytilus chilensis (asiphonate). Marine Biology. 159(5): 987-1000.
  • Chaparro, OR, Schmidt, AJ, Pardo, LM, Andrade, PV,Wagner, CE, & Cubillos, VM. (2011). Reproductive strategy of the semelparous clam Gaimardia bahamondei (Bivalvia, Gaimardiidae). Invertebrate Biology 130: 49-59.
  • Navarro, JM, González, LP, & Chaparro, OR. (2011). Filtering capacity and endoscopic analysis of sympatric infaunal and epifaunal bivalves of southern Chile. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom DOI:10.1017/S0025315410000925.
  • Diederich C M., Jarrett J N., Chaparro O R., Segura C.J., Arellano S M., Pechenik J A.. 2011. Low salinity stress experienced by larvae does not affect post-metamorphic growth or survival in three calyptraeid gastropods. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 397: 94-105.
  • Urbina, M., K. Paschke, P. Gebauer & O. Chaparro. 2010. Physiological energetic of the estuarine crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus ( Crustacea: Decapoda: Varunidae): responses to different salinity levels. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 90: 267-273.
  • Segura C.J., O.R. Chaparro, K.A. Paschke, J.A. Pechenik. 2010. Capsule walls as barriers to oxygen availability: Implications for the development of brooded embryos by the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata (Calyptraeidae). J. Exp. Mar. Biol . Ecol. 390: 49-57.
  • Chaparro O.R., J.A. Montory, C.J. Segura & J.A. Pechenik. 2009. Effect of reduced pH on shells of brooded veligers in the estuarine bivalve Ostrea chilensis Philippi 1845. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 377: 107-112.
  • Chaparro, O.R., C.J. Segura, J.A. Montory, J.M. Navarro & J.A. Pechenik. 2009. Brood chamber isolation during salinity stress in two estuarine mollusk species: from a protective nursery to a dangerous prision. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 374: 145-155.
  • Montory J.A., O.R. Chaparro, V.M. Cubillos & J.A. Pechenik. 2009. Isolation of incubation chambers during brooding: effect of reduced pH on protoconch development in the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 374: 157-166.
  • Chaparro O.R., V.M. Cubillos, Y.A. Montiel, K.A. Paschke & J.A. Pechenik. 2008. Embryonic encapsulation and maternal incubation: Requirements for survival of the early stages of the estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 365: 38-45.
  • Chaparro O.R, P.R. Matus, R.J. Thompson, C.J. Segura, L.M. Pardo & V.M. Cubillos (2008). Gametic, morphometric, and physiological variables influencing clutch size in the Chilean oyster, Ostrea chilensis (Philippi, 1845). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 359:18–25
  • Navarro JM, AM Contreras & OR Chaparro (2008). Short-term feeding response of the mussel Mytilus chilensis exposed to diets containing the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 81:41-49.
  • Chaparro O.R., C.J. Segura, Y.A. Montiel, R.J. Thompson & J.M. Navarro (2008). Variations in the quantity and composition of seston from an estuary in southern Chile on different temporal scales. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76: 845-860.
  • Chaparro O.R., Y.A. Montiel, C.J. Segura, V.M. Cubillos, R.J. Thompson & J.M. Navarro (2008). The effect of salinity on clearance rate in the suspension-feeding estuarine gastropod Crepipatella dilatata under natural and controlled conditions. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76: 861-868.
  • Cubillos V. M., O. R. Chaparro, Y. A. Montiel & D. Véliz (2007). Unusual source of food: impact of dead siblings on encapsulated embryo development of Crepipatella fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae). Marine and Freshwater Research, 2007, 58, 1152–1161.
  • Collin R., O. R. Chaparro, F. Winkler & D. Veliz (2007). Molecular Phylogenetic and embryological evidence that feeding larvae have been reacquired in a marine gastropod. Biol. Bull. 212: 83–92.
  • Chaparro OR, LR Navarrete & RJ Thompson (2006). The physiology of the larva of the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis and the utilisation of biochemical energy reserves during development: An extreme case of the brooding habit. Journal of the Sea Research 55:292-300
  • Schmidt AJ, JE Toro & OR Chaparro (2006). Reproductive patterns and their influence on the population genetics of sympatric species of the genus Crepidula (Gastropoda, Calyptraeidae). Journal of Shellfish Research 25 (2): 371-378
  • Chaparro OR, YA Montiel & VM Cubillos (2005). Direct intracapsular development: implications for feeding mechanisms in early juveniles of gastropod Crepidula dilatata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 85:163-169
  • Chaparro OR, CL Saldivia, SV Pereda, CJ Segura, YA Montiel & R Collin (2005). The reproductive cycle and development of Crepipatella fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae) from southern Chile. Journal of Marine Biology Association of the United Kingdom 85: 157-161
  • Cárcamo PF, AI Candia & OR Chaparro (2005). Larval development and metamorphosis in the sea urchin Loxechinus albus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea): effects of diet type and feeding frequency. Aquaculture 249:375-386.
  • Montiel YA, OR Chaparro & CJ Segura (2005). Changes in feeding mechanisms during early ontogeny in juveniles of Crepidula fecunda (Gastropoda, Calyptraeidae). Marine Biology 147: 1333-1342.
  • Chaparro OR, CJ Segura, JM Navarro & RJ Thompson (2004). The effect of food supply on feeding strategy in sessile female gastropds Crepidula fecunda. Marine Biology 144: 79-87.
  • Ojeda J & OR Chaparro (2004). Morphological, gravimetric and biochemical changes of the capsular wall in Crepidula fecunda during the brooding process. Marine Biology 144: 263-269.
  • Chaparro OR, RJ Thompson & SV Pereda (2002). Feeding mechanisms in the gastropod Crepidula fecunda. Marine Ecology Progress Series 234: 171-181
  • Navarro JM & OR Chaparro (2002). Grazing-filtration as feeding mechanisms in motile specimens of Crepidula fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 270: 111-122.
  • Chaparro OR, AE Soto & CE Bertran (2002). Velar caracteristics and feeding capacity of encapsulated and pelagic larvae of Crepidula fecunda Gallardo 1979 (Gastropoda; Calyptraeidae). Journal of Shellfish Research 21:233-237.
  • Chaparro OR, JL Charpentier & R Collin (2002). Embryonic velar structure and function of two sibling species of Crepidula with different modes of development. Biological Bulletin 203: 80-86.
  • Chaparro OR & ML Flores (2002). Reproductive output of Crepidula fecunda females: Distribution of energy in the production of gametes and capsules walls. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 36: 661-673.
  • Chaparro OR, JA Videla & RJ Thompson (2001). Gill morphogenesis in the oyster Ostrea chilensis. Marine Biology 138:199-207.
  • Chaparro OR, CJ Soto, JY Thompson & II Concha (2001). Feeding strategies during brooding in the oyster Ostrea chilensis Philippi: gut retention time and potential uses of larval faeces by adults. Marine Ecology Progress Series 222: 119-129
  • Chaparro OR, SV Pereda & I Bahamondes-Rojas (2001). Effects of protandric sex change on radula, pedal morphology, and motility in Crepidula fecunda (Gastropoda: Calyptraeidae). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35: 881-890.
  • Chaparro OR, CL Saldivia & KA Paschke (2001). Regulatory aspects of the brood capacity of Crepidula fecunda, Gallardo 1979 (Gastropoda: Calyptraeaidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 266: 97-108.
  • Chaparro OR, CL Saldivia & KA Paschke (2001). Regulatory aspects of the brood capacity of Crepidula fecunda, Gallardo 1979 (Gastropoda: Calyptraeaidae). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 266: 97-108.
  • Chaparro OR, RF Oyarzún, AM Vergara & RJ Thompson (1999). Energy investment in nurse eggs and egg capsules in Crepidula dilatata (Gastropoda, Calyptreaidae) and its influence on the hatching size of the juveniles. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 232: 261-274.
  • Chaparro OR, RJ Thompson & C Emerson (1999). The velar ciliature in the brooded larva of the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis (Philippi, 1845). Biological Bulletin 197: 104-111.
  • Chaparro OR, I Bahamondes-Rojas, AM Vergara & AA Rivera (1998). Histological characteristics of the foot and locomotory activity of Crepidula dilatata in relation to sex changes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 223: 77-91.
  • Chaparro OR & RJ Thompson (1998). The physiological energetics of brooding in the Chilean Ostrea chilensis Philippi. Marine Ecology Progress Series 171: 151-163.
  • Videla JA, OR Chaparro, RJ Thompson & II Concha (1998). Role of biochemical energy reserves in the metamorphosis and early juvenile development of the oyster Ostrea chilensis. Marine Biology 132: 635-640.
  • Chaparro OR, RJ Thompson & J E Ward (1993). In Vivo observations of larval brooding in the Chilean oyster, Ostrea chilensis Philippi, 1845. Biol. Bull. 185: 365-372.


  • Participación “Abramos nuestros laboratorios a la investigación científica escolar”
  • Participación XI Congreso Regional Escolar de Ciencia y Tecnología Explora CONICYT Región de los Ríos

Equipo de trabajo 

  • Biol. Mar. Luis Salas Y. Asistente de Investigación
  • Biol. Mar. Joseline Bûchner M. Asistente de Investigación
  • Biol. Mar. Gladys Rivera.  Asistente de Investigación

Tesistas Pregrado

  • Karen Barias
  • Francisco Paredes


  • Biol. Mar. Paola Andrade