Nelson Valdivia

Teléfono: +56(63)2221557


ORCID ID: 2-5394-2072

Researchgate profile: Link

ID Research; C-3613-2009

Instagram: @ecologia.litoral

Dr. rer. nat., Bremen Universität, Germany,Ecology, 2009
Magíster en Ciencias Marinas, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile, 2006
Licenciado en Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile, 2002
Profesor  Asociado

Actividades docentes

Pregrado: ICML125 Ecología Marina (Responsible), ICML203 Análisis y Presentación de Datos en R: Aprendizaje Orientado a proyectos (Responsible), ICML082 Excursiones al Ambiente Acuático (Collaborator),  ICML155 Método Científico y Diseño Experimental (Collaborator), ICML095 Biología de Algas (Collaborator), ICML058 Introducción a la Biología Marina.

Postgrado: ICML420 Biología Marina Avanzada (Responsible), ICML401 and ICML301 Seven: Siete Principios Ecológicos (Responsible), ICML405  Análisis y Presentación de Datos en R (Responsible).

Intereses de investigación

Me interesa entender los mecanismos subyacentes a la estabilidad de comunidades ecológicas. Uso como modelos de estudio las comunidades marinas costeras en varias regiones de la costa de Pacífico sureste y la Antártica.


Proyectos de investigación

  • How deterministic and stochastic processes drive ecological stability across spatial scales? \texttt{FONDECYT} 1230286, PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2023—2027
  • TROY: Tracking key eukaryote pathobiome members in AntaRctic coastal communities, with emphasis on Oomycete parasites. RT4220. UACh. Co-PI 2021—2023

  • Centro de Investigación: Dinámica de Ecosistemas Marinos de Altas Latitudes (\texttt{IDEAL}). Dynamics of High-Latitude Marine Ecosystems, \texttt{FONDAP}, Associate Researcher, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2021—2025
  • Disturbed and Unstable? Functional Impacts of the Extinction of Dominant, Habitat-Forming Species on Coastal Marine Communities \texttt{FONDECYT} 1190529, PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2019—2022
  • Multiple stressors and the functional diversity of coastal ecosystems, \texttt{FONDECYT} 1181300, Co-PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2018—2022
  • Centro de Investigación: Dinámica de Ecosistemas Marinos de Altas Latitudes (\texttt{IDEAL}). Dynamics of High-Latitude Marine Ecosystems, \texttt{FONDAP}, Associate Researcher, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2016—2021
  • \item Abiotic key factors influencing species composition in Chilean Patagonian fjords and their usefulness as proxies for species distribution models, habitat mapping and predicting patterns in benthic assemblages, \texttt{FONDECYT} 1161699, Co-PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2016—2019
  • The links among multiple dimensions of ecological stability through species dynamics, disturbances, and connectivity in rocky intertidal communities, \texttt{FONDECYT} 1141037, PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2014—2018
  • Paradise lost: biophysical consequences of human-driven phase shifts in intertidal hard-bottom ecosystems, \texttt{DID-UACh} S-2013-2, PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2013—2015
  • Effects of global change on the physiology of Antarctic seaweeds: consequences for coastal ecosystem processes in scenarios of temperature shifts and enhanced UV radiation, \texttt{PIA-CONICYT} ART1101, Co-PI, \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2012—2015
  • Multiscale biophysical determinants of larval arrival to benthic habitats and effects on intertidal diversity, \texttt{FONDECYT} 1120988, CoPI, \texttt{CEAZA}, 1780000 Coquimbo, Chile and \texttt{ICML-UACh}, 5090000 Valdivia, Chile, 2012—2016
  • Environmental heterogeneity may induce functional compensation and increase stability in rocky shore ecosystems, \texttt{FONDECYT 3100014}, PI, \texttt{CEAZA}, 1780000 Coquimbo, Chile, and \texttt{ICML-UACh}, Valdivia Chile, 2009—2012

WoS publications


  • Alexis M. Catalan, Daniela N. Lopez, Eliseo Fica-Rojas,  Bernardo R. Broitman, Nelson Valdivia, Ricardo A. Scrosati (2023) Foundation species canopies affect understory beta diversity differently depending on species mobility. Ecology. e3999. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3999
  • Víctor Cubillos, Eduardo Ramirez, Daniela Mardones, Nelson Valdivia, Oscar R. Chaparro, Jaime Montory, Edgardo Cruces (2023) Specific plasticity of the anemone Anthopleura hermaphroditica to intertidal and subtidal environmental conditions of the Quempillén estuary. PLoS ONE. 18(1): e0279482, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279482
  • Diego Morales-Torres, Nelson Valdivia, Sara M. Rodríguez, Juan G. Navedo (2023) The importance of feeding fast when thieves are around: a case study on Whimbrels foraging on a wave-exposed sandy beach in southern Chile. Austral Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/aec.13298
  • María José Díaz, Christian Buschbaum, Paul E. Renaud, Nelson Valdivia, Markus Molis (2023) Limited predatory effects on infaunal macrobenthos community patterns in intertidal soft-bottom of Arctic coasts. Ecology and Evolution. 13:e9779. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9779
  • Mariana Grossmann, Sven N. Nielsen, Marcelo Rivadeneira, Nelson Valdivia (2022) The Latitudinal Gradient of Functional Diversity of Miocene Marine Mollusks from Chile. Ecography. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.06344
  • Gail V Ashton… … Nelson Valdivia, Ximena Velez-Zuazo,Edson A Vieira,Bruno Vildoso,Ingo S Wehrtmann,Matt Whalen,Lynn Wilbur, Gregory M Ruiz (2022) Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude. Science. 376, 1215–1219. DOI: 10.1126/science.abc4916
  • Eliseo Fica Rojas, Alexis M. Catalán, Bernardo R. Broitman, Alejandro Pérez Matus and Nelson Valdivia (2022) Independent effects of species removal and asynchrony on invariability of an intertidal rocky shore community. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution-Models in Ecology and Evolution. 10:866950. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.866950
  • Francisco Tello, Mauro E. González, Estefanía Micó Balaguer, Nelson Valdivia, Fernanda Torres, Antonio Lara, Alejandra García-López (2022) Short-interval severe wildfires alter saproxylic beetle diversity in Andean Araucaria forests in northwest Chilean Patagonia. Forests. 13(3), 441;
  • Cid Alda, F.P.; Valdivia, N.; Guillemin, M.-L. (2022) More than What Meets the Eye: Differential Spatiotemporal Distribution of Cryptic Intertidal Bangiales. Plants. 11. 605. 10.3390/plants11050605
  • Riedemann-Saldivia R, Büchner-Miranda JA, Salas-Yanquin LP, Valdivia N., Catalán AM, Scrosati RA, Chaparro OR (2022) Non-consumptive effects of a predatory snail (Acanthina monodon) on a dominant habitat-forming mussel species (Perumytilus purpuratus). Marine Environmental Research. 175. 105573:1-8. DOI:
  • Rodríguez S.M., J. E. Byers, F. Cerda-Aliaga, N. Valdivia (2022) Variation in helminth infection prevalence, abundance, and coinfection in an intermediate host across large spatial scale. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 681: 103–116. DOI:
  • Valdivia N., Garcés-Vargas L., Garrido I.A., Gómez I., Huovinen P., Navarro N.P., Macaya E.,  Pardo L.M. (2021) Beta diversity of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic benthic communities reveals a major role of stochastic assembly. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.780268
  • Velasco-Charpentier C, F Pizarro-Mora, NP Navarro, DF Morales-Torres and N Valdivia. (2021) Vertical distribution of macrobenthic communities from a shipwreck in the Strait of Magellan. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 56(39): 226-232. DOI:
  • Scrosati R.A., Catalán A.M., Valdivia N. (2021) Macroalgal canopies reduce beta diversity in intertidal communities. Botanica Marina. 64(5): 419-425. doi: 10.1515/bot-2021-0023
  • N. Valdivia, D.N. López, E. Fica, M.A. Aguilera, M. Araya, C. Betancourtt1, K. Burgos, A.M. Catalán, T. Carvajal, V. Escares, S. Gartenstein, M. Grossmann, B. Gutiérrez, J. Kotta, D. Morales, B. Riedemann, S.M. Rodríguez, C. Velasco-Charpentier, V. Villalobos, B.R. Broitman. (2021) Stability of rocky intertidal communities in response to species removal varies across spatial scales. Oikos doi:10.1111/oik.08267
  • Villalobos VI, Nelson Valdivia, Günter Försterra, Stacy Ballyram, Juan Pablo Espinoza, Katherine Burgos-Andrade, Verena Häussermann (2021). Depth-dependent diversity patterns of rocky subtidal macrobenthic communities along a temperate fjord in Northern Chilean Patagonia. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Marine Ecosystem Ecology.
  • Catalán AM, Büchner-Miranda J, Riedemann B, Chaparro OR, Valdivia N, Scrosati RA (2021) Community-wide consequences of nonconsumptive predator effects on a foundation species. J Anim Ecol n/a. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13455
  • Valdivia, N., Aguilera, M. A., and B. R. Broitman (2021) High dimensionality of the stability of a marine benthic ecosystem. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7: 569650. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.569650
  • Velasco-Charpetier, C., Pizarro-Mora, F., Navarro, N. P., and N. Valdivia (2021) Disentangling the links between habitat complexity and biodiversity in a kelp-dominated subantarctic community. Ecology and Evolution. 0: 1-11. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7100.
  • Aguilera, MA., Valdivia, Broitman, B.R., Jenkins, S.R. and S.A. Navarrete (2020) Novel co‐occurrence of functionally redundant consumers induced by range expansion alters community structure. Ecology. e03150. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3150
  • Catalán, A.M., Valdivia, N. and Scrosati, R.A. (2020) Interhemispheric comparison of scale-dependent spatial variation in the structure of intertidal rocky-shore communities. Ecosphere. 11(6): e03068. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3068
  • Valdivia N., Garrido G., Bruning P., Piñones A., Pardo L.M. (2020) Biodiversity of an Antarctic rocky subtidal community and its relationship with glacier meltdown processes. Marine Environmental Research. 159. 104991. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104991
  • Tello F., González, M.E., Valdivia, N., Torres F., Lara L., García‐López A. (2020) Diversity loss and changes in saproxylic beetle assemblages following a high‐severity fire in Araucaria–Nothofagus forests. Journal of Insect Conservation. DOI:
  • Suárez J.L., Hansen M., Urtubia U.,, Lenz M., Valdivia N., Thiel M. (2020) Season-dependent effects of ocean warming on the physiological performance of a native and a non-native sea anemone. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 522: 151229. DOI:
  • S. M. Rodríguez S.M, Uribe J.C., Estay S.A., Palacios M., Pinochet R., Oyarzún S., Valdivia N. (2019) \textit{Areospora rohanae} in southern king crab (\textit{Lithodes santolla}) populations across south Chilean Patagonia. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 190682. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.190682
  • Valdivia N., Pardo L.M., Macaya E.C., Huovinen P., Gómez I. (2019) Different ecological mechanisms lead to similar grazer controls on the functioning of periphyton Antarctic and sub-Antarctic communities. Progress in Oceanography. 174: 7 – 16. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.01.008
  • Navarro J.M., Paschke K., Ortíz A., Vargas-Chacoff L., Pardo L.M., Valdivia N. (2019) The Antarctic fish \textit{Harpagifer antarcticus} under current temperatures and salinities and future scenarios of climate change. Progress in Oceanography. 37 – 43. 174: DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.09.001
  • Zenteno L., Cárdenas, L. Valdivia N., Gómez I., Höfer J., Garrido I., Pardo L.M. (2019) Unraveling the multiple bottom-up supplies of an Antarctic nearshore benthic community. Progress in Oceanography. 174: 55-63 DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2018.10.016
  • López, D. N., Camus, P. A., Valdivia, N. and Estay, S. A. (2019). Integrating species and interactions into similarity metrics: a graph theory-based approach to understanding community similarity. – PeerJ 7: e7013. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7013
  • Trujillo, J. E., Pardo, L. M., Vargas-Chacoff, L. and Valdivia, N. (2019). Sharks in the forest: relationships between kelp physical-complexity attributes and egg deposition sites of the red-spotted catshark. – Marine Ecology Progress Series 610: 125-135. DOI: 10.3354/meps12818
  • López, B. A., Macaya, E. C., Jeldres, R., Valdivia, N., Bonta, C. C., Tala, F. and Thiel, M. (2019). Spatio-temporal variability of strandings of the southern bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) on beaches along the coast of Chile—linked to local storms. – J Appl Phycol 31: 2159-2173. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-018-1705-x
  • Mellado C., Chaparro O.R., Duarte C., Villanueva P.A., Ortiz A., Valdivia N., Torres R.,Navarro J.M. (2019) Ocean acidification exacerbates the effects of paralytic shellfish toxins on the fitness of the edible mussel \textit{Mytilus chilensis}. Science of the Total Environment. 653: 455-464. DOI:
  • Aguilera M.A., Valdivia N., Jenkins S., Navarrete S.A., Broitman B.R. (2019) Asymmetric competitive effects during species range expansion: an experimental assessment of interaction strength between ‘equivalent’ grazer species in their range overlap. Journal of Animal Ecology. 88: 277-289. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12917
  • Lopez, D., Camus, P, Valdivia, N., Estay, S. (2018) Food webs over time: evaluating structural differences and variability of degree distributions in ecological networks. Ecosphere. 9: e02539. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2539
  • Dubrasquet H., Reyes J., Pinochet-Sanchez R., Valdivia R., Guillemin M-L. (2018) Molecular-assisted revision of red macroalgal diversity and distribution along the We stern Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands. Cryptogamie Algologie. 39 (4): 409-429. DOI.: 10.7872/crya/v39.iss4.2018.409
  • Kotta J., Valdivia N., Kutser T., Toming K., Rätsep M., Orav-Kotta H. (2018) Predicting the cover and richness of intertidal macroalgae in remote areas: a case study in the Antarctic Peninsula. Ecology and Evolution. DOI 10.1002/ece3.4463
  • Dornelas M., et al. (2018) BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27:760–786. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12729
  • Fraser C.I, Morrison A.K.,McC Hogg A., Macaya E.C., van Sebille E., Ryan P.G., Padovan A., Jack C., Valdivia N., Waters J.M. (2018) Antarctica’s ecological isolation will be broken by storm-driven dispersal and warming. Nature Climate Change. DOI 10.1038/s41558-018-0209-7
  • Rodríguez S.M., Valdivia N. (2017) Mesoscale spatiotemporal variability in a complex host-parasite system influenced by intermediate host body size. PeerJ. DOI 10.7717/peerj.3675
  • Fica E., Díaz E.R., Valdivia N. (2017) General spatial spectral variation in rocky intertidal communities from three biogeographical regions. Journal of Biogeography. 44:2354-2364 DOI: 10.1111/jbi.13041
  • Lopez D., Camus P., Valdivia N., Estay S. (2017) High temporal variability in the occurrence of consumer-resource interactions in ecological networks. Oikos. 126: 1699–1707 DOI: 10.1111/oik.04285
  • Valdivia N., Segovia-Rivera V., Fica E., Bonta C.C., Aguilera M.A., Broitman B.R. (2017) Context-dependent functional dispersion across similar ranges of trait space covered by intertidal rocky shore communities. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2762
  • Sepúlveda R.D., Valdivia, N. (2017) Macrobenthic Community Changes of Intertidal Sandy Shores after a Mega-Disturbance. Estuaries and Coasts. 40: 493. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-016-0158-1
  • Rodríguez, S. M., D`Elia, G., Valdivia, N. (2016) The phylogeny and life cycle of two species of \textit{Profilicollis} (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) in marine hosts off the Pacific coast of Chile. Journal of Helminthology. 91, 589-596 DOI: 10.1017/S0022149X16000638
  • Navedo, J. G., Fernández, G., Valdivia, N., Drever, M. C. and Masero, J. A. (2016) Identifying management actions to increase foraging opportunities for shorebirds at semi-intensive shrimp-farms. Journal of Applied Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12735
  • Tejada-Martinez, D., López, D. N., Bonta, C. C., Sepúlveda, R. D. and Valdivia, N. (2016) Positive and negative effects of mesograzers on early-colonizing species in an intertidal rocky-shore community. Ecology and Evolution. 6(16): 2045-7758 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2323
  • Sepúlveda RD, Valdivia N (2016) Localised Effects of a Mega-Disturbance: Spatiotemporal Responses of Intertidal Sandy Shore Communities to the 2010 Chilean Earthquake. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0157910. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157910
  • Moreno-Pino M., De la Iglesia R., Valdivia N., Henriquez-Castilo, C., Galan A., Diez B., Trefault N. (2016) Variation in coastal Antarctic microbial community composition at sub-mesoscale: spatial distance or environmental filtering? FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 92: fiw088. DOI: 10.1093/femsec/fiw088
  • Rivera-Segovia V., Valdivia N. (2016) Independent effects of grazing and tide pool habitats on the early colonisation of an intertidal community on western Antarctic Peninsula. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 89: 3
  • Aguilera M.A., Valdivia N., Broitman B.R. (2015) Facilitative Effect of a Generalist Herbivore on the Recovery of a Perennial Alga: Consequences for Persistence at the Edge of Their Geographic Range. PLoS ONE 10: e0146069.
  • Valdivia N., Aguilera M.A., Navarrete S.A., Broitman B.R. (2015) Disentangling the effects of propagule supply and environmental filtering on the spatial structure of a rocky shore metacommunity. Marine Ecology Progress Series 538: 67-79.
  • Aguilera M.A., Valdivia N., Broitman B.R. (2015) Herbivore-Alga Interaction Strength Influences Spatial Heterogeneity in a Kelp-Dominated Intertidal Community. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137287
  • Valdivia N., Díaz M.J., Garrido I., Gómez I. (2015) Consistent Richness-Biomass Relationship across Environmental Gradients in a Marine Macroalgal-Dominated Subtidal Community on the Western Antarctic Peninsula. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138582
  • Valdivia N., Díaz M.J., Holtheuer J., Garrido I., Huovinen P., Gómez I. (2014) Up, Down, and All Around: Scale-Dependent Spatial Variation in Rocky-Shore Communities of Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. PLoS ONE 9(6): e100714
  • Valdivia N., Buschbaum C., Thiel M. (2014) Succession in intertidal mussel bed assemblages on different shores: species mobility matters. Marine Ecology Progress Series 497:131-142
  • Crowe T. P., Cusson M., Bulleri F., Davoult, D., Arenas F., Aspden R., Benedetti-Cecchi L, Bevilacqua S., Davidson I., Defew E., Fraschetti S., Golléty G., Griffin J.N.,Herkül K., Kotta J., Mignè A., Molis M., Nicol S. K., Noël L. M.-L. J., Sousa Pinto I., Valdivia N., 12, Vaselli S., Jenkins S. R. (2013) Large-scale variation in combined impacts of canopy loss and disturbance on community structure and ecosystem functioning. PLoS ONE 8(6): e66238
  • Aguilera M. A., Valdivia N., Broitman B. R. (2013) Spatial niche differentiation and coexistence at the edge: co-occurrence distribution patterns in \textit{Scurria} limpets. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 483:185 198
  • Valdivia N., González A.E., Manzur T., and Broitman B.R (2013) Mesoscale variation of mechanisms contributing to stability in rocky shore communities. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54159
  • Valdivia N., Golléty C. Mignè A., Davoult D., Molis M. (2012) Stressed but stable: Canopy loss decreased species synchrony and metabolic variability in an intertidal hard-bottom community, PLoS ONE 7(5): e36541
  • Caplins S., Penna-Diaz M. A., Godoy E., Valdivia N., Turbeville J. M., Thiel M. (2012) Activity patterns and predatory behavior of an intertidal nemertean from rocky shores: \textit{Prosorhochmus nelsoni} (Hoplonemertea) from the South East Pacific, Marine Biology. 159:1363-1374
  • Bulleri F., Benedetti-Cecchi L., Cusson M., Maggi E., Arenas F., Aspden R., Bertocci I., Crowe T. P., Davoult D., Eriksson B. K., Fraschetti S., Golléty C., Griffin J., Jenkins S. R., Kotta J., Kraufvelin P., Molis M., Sousa Pinto I., Terlizzi A., Valdivia N., Paterson D. M. (2012) The temporal stability of European rocky shore assemblages: variation across a latitudinal gradient and the role of habitat-formers, Oikos. 7:1801-1809
  • Valdivia N., Scrosati R.A., Molis M., Knox A. (2011) Variation in Community Structure Across Vertical Intertidal Stress Gradients: How Does It Compare with Horizontal Variation at Different Scales? PloS ONE. 6: e24062
  • Bravo M., Astudillo J.C., Lancellotti D., Luna-Jorquera G., Valdivia N., Thiel M. (2011) Rafting on abiotic substrata: properties of floating items and their influence on community succession, Marine Ecology Progress Series. 439:1-17
  • Broitman R.B., Veliz F., Manzur T., Wieters E.A., Finke G.R., Fornes P.A., Valdivia N., Navarrete S.A. (2011) Geographic variation in diversity of wave exposed rocky intertidal communities along central Chile, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 84: 143-154
  • Fricke A., Molis M., Wiencke C., Valdivia N., Chapman A.S. (2011) Effects of UV radiation on the structure of Arctic macrobenthic communities, Polar Biology. 34: 995-1009
  • Scrosati RA., Knox A., Valdivia N., Molis. M (2011) Species richness and diversity across rocky intertidal elevation gradients in Helgoland: testing predictions from an environmental stress model, Helgoland Marine Research. 65: 91-102
  • Rivadeneira M.M., Hernáez M., Baeza J.A., Boltaña S., Cifuentes M., Correa C., Cuevas A., del Valle E., Hinojosa I., Ulrich N., Valdivia N., Vásquez N., Zander A., Thiel M. (2010) Testing the abundant-centre hypothesis using intertidal porcelain crabs along the Chilean coast: linking abundance and life-history variation, Journal of Biogeography. 37: 486-498
  • Bers A.V., Dí­az E.R., da Gama B.A.P., Vieira-Silva F., Dobretsov S., Valdivia N., Thiel M., Scardino A.J., McQuaid C.D., Sudgen H.E., Thomason J.C., Wahl M. (2010) Relevance of mytilid shell microtopographies for fouling defence: a global comparison, Biofouling. 26: 3, 367-377
  • Valdivia N., de la Haye K., Jenkins S.R., Kimmance S.A., Thompson R.C., Molis M. (2009) Functional composition, but not richness, affected the performance of sessile suspension-feeding assemblages. Journal of Sea Research. 61: 216-221
  • Valdivia N. and Molis M. (2009) Observational evidence of a negative biodiversity-stability relationship in intertidal epibenthic communities. Aquatic Biology. 4: 263-271
  • Buschbaum C., Dittmann S., Hong J.-S., Hwang I.-S., Strasser M., Thiel M., Valdivia N., Yoon S.-P., and Reise K. (2009) Mytilid mussels: global habitat engineers in coastal sediments, Helgoland Marine Research. 63: 47-58
  • Canning-Clode J., Valdivia N., Molis M., Thomason J.C., and Wahl M. (2008) Estimation of regional richness in marine benthic communities: quantifying the error. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 6: 580-590
  • Valdivia N., Stehbens J.D., Hermelink B., Connell S.D., Molis M., and Wahl M. (2008) Disturbance mediates the effects of nutrients on developing assemblages of epibiota. Austral Ecology. 33: 951-962
  • Fricke A., Molis, M., Wiencke C., Valdivia N., Chapman A. (2008) Natural succession in different water depths and disturbance of macroalgal communities after transplantation from deep to shallow water on Spitsbergen. Polar Biology. 31: 1191-1203
  • Valdivia N. and Thiel M. (2006) Effects of point-source nutrient addition and mussel removal on epibiotic assemblages in \textit{Perumytilus purpuratus} beds. Journal of Sea Research. 56: 271-283
  • Valdivia N. and Stotz W. (2006) Feeding behavior of the porcellanid crab \textit{Allopetrolisthes spinifrons}, symbiont of the sea anemone \textit{Phymactis papillosa}. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 26: 308-315
  • Hinojosa I., Boltana S., Lancellotti D. Macaya E., Ugalde P., Valdivia N., Vásquez N., Newman W.A., and Thiel M. (2006) Geographic distribution and description of four pelagic barnacles along the south east Pacific coast of Chile – a zoogeographical approximation. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 79: 13-27
  • Valdivia N., Heidemann A., Thiel M., Molis M., and Wahl M. (2005) Effects of disturbance on the diversity of hard-bottom macrobenthic communities at the coast of Chile. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 299: 45-54
  • Macaya E., Boltana S., Buschmann A., Hinojosa I., Macchiavello J., Valdivia N., Vásquez N., Vásquez J., Vega A., and Thiel M. (2005) Presence of sporophylls in floating kelp rafts of \textit{Macrocystis} spp. (Phaeophyceae) along the Chilean pacific coast. Journal of Phycology. 41: 913-92
  • Thiel M, Zander A., Valdivia N., Baeza J.A., and Rueffler C. (2003) Host fidelity of a symbiotic porcellanid crab: the importance of host characteristics. Journal of Zoology London. 261: 353-362



Non-WoS publications

  • \item Valdivia, N., Aguilera, M. A., and B. R. Broitman (2020) High dimensionality of the stability of a marine benthic ecosystem. bioRxiv. doi: (under review at Frontiers in Marine Science) 
  • \item Aguilera, M. A., N. Valdivia, B. R. Broitman, S. R. Jenkins, and S. A. Navarrete. (2020). Novel Co-Occurrence of Functionally Redundant Consumers Induced by Range Expansion Alters Community Structure. Bull Ecol Soc Am 101(4):e01777.
  • \item Catalán, A. M., N. Valdivia, and R. A. Scrosati. (2020). Spatial Variation in Community Structure and the Underlying Environmental Variation. Bull Ecol Soc Am 101(4):e01763.
  • \item Hinojosa I.A., González E.R., Ugalde P., Valdivia N., Macaya E., and Thiel M. (2007) Distribución y abundancia de macroalgas flotando a la deriva y su fauna peracárida asociada en los canales de la XI región, Chile. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar, 30: 59-73
  • \item Hinojosa I.A., Boltaña S., González E.R., Macaya E., Thiel M., Ugalde P., and Valdivia N. (2007) Estados tempranos de desarrollo de crustáceos decápodos asociados a macroalgas flotando a la deriva en fiordos y canales del sur de chile. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar, 30: 75-89

14/03/2022 – 14/03/2022. Material didáctico. Bosques de huiros: biodiversidad bajo el mar. Responsable.

17/08/2020 – 17/08/2020. Programa radial o TV. MATERIA EXPUESTA. Responsable.

24/06/2020 – 24/06/2020. Entrevista, artículo o columna en medios. SEBASTIÁN SCHAPIRO NOTA CON EL DR. NELSON VALDIVIA, ECÓLOGO CHILENO DEL CENTRO IDEAL 24-6-2020. Responsable.

22/06/2020 – 22/06/2020. Entrevista, artículo o columna en medios. DESAFÍO TIERRA: OCÉANOS. Responsable.

16/06/2020 – 16/06/2020. Entrevista, artículo o columna en medios. DERRETIMIENTO DE GLACIARES PODRÍA CAMBIAR Y DISMINUIR LA BIODIVERSIDAD MARINA ANTÁRTICA. Responsable.

16/06/2020 – 16/06/2020. Entrevista, artículo o columna en medios. LA BIODIVERSIDAD MARINA ANTÁRTICA PODRÍA CAMBIAR Y DISMINUIR DEBIDO AL DERRETIMIENTO DE LOS GLACIARE. Responsable.

09/04/2020 – 09/04/2020. Entrevista, artículo o columna en medios. UN MUNDO EN CAMBIO AL VAIVÉN DE LAS OLAS EN EL OCÉANO AUSTRAL. Responsable.


20/05/2021 – 20/05/2021. Ciclo de charlas. Mes del mar en Altas Latitudes: Biodiversidad en un ecosistema marino en la Antártica. Responsable.


09/09/2020 – 09/09/2020. Charla. XV Congreso de la Asociación de Estudiantes de Biología de Chile. Responsable.

16/06/2020 – 16/06/2020. Coloquios y conversatorios. Mar y Ciencia en Casa | "Hablemos de biodiversidad" con Nelson Valdivia. Responsable.

17/09/2019 – 17/09/2019. Coloquios y conversatorios. MATERIA EXPUESTA. Responsable.

07/07/2021 – 21/12/2021. Actividad formativa única. Abramos Nuestros Laboratorios. Responsable.

07/11/2013 – 10/11/2013. Curso. Intertidal Experimental Ecology. Calfuco – Isla Teja. Responsable.

15/10/2013 – 15/10/2013. Charla. Charla 1000c 1000a. Lanco. Responsable.

10/10/2013 – 10/10/2013. Exposición. Laboratorios, Museos y Parques Abiertos. ICML – Valdivia. Responsable.

25/09/2013 – 27/09/2013. Asesorías. Abramos Nuestros Labs a la Investigación Científica Esc. 2013 y X Cong. Reg. Esc. Explora. ICML – Valdivia. Responsable.

01/09/2013 – 05/12/2013. Seminario. Ciclo de seminarios de la Facultad de Ciencias Segundo Semestre de 2013. Valdivia. Corresponsable.

04/10/2012 – 04/10/2012. Charla. Charla a estudiantes de enseñanza básica. COLEGIO CARDENAL RAUL SILVA HENRIQUEZ. Paillaco. Valdivia. Responsable.

Equipo de trabajo

Dra. Daniela López

Lic. Diego Morales

Lic. Vicente Villalobos


Estudiantes de Postgrado


Claudia Betancourtt

Simon Gartenstein

Eliseo Fica

Mariana Grossmann

José Palma-Duque

Nicole Cameron

Farid Mondragón


Estudiantes de Pregrado

Renato Loggen

Valentina Escares

Javiera Leal

Edrik Berríos


Ex Estudiantes

Thais Carvajal

Katherine Burgos

Bárbara Gutiérrez

Bárbara Riedemann

Dr. Alexis Catalán

Diego Morales

Bárbara Riedemann

Vicente Villalobos

Dra. Daniela López

Dra. Sara Rodríguez

Pamela Olmedo

José Luis Suárez

José Emilio Trujillo

Patricio Álvarez

Alexandra Gangas

Fernando Cerda

Ali Riquelme

Viviana Segovia